ATX FYI IS ONE! - My Letter To You {+ Cake}
Photo: Mine || Cake: Dream Bakery
Howdy y’all!
I can’t believe it… one year of ATX FYI.
Ever since starting this brand and website, I have connected with several local Austin businesses, spread the word to the public about these restaurants, helped our community during Coronavirus, and grew as a person.
The amount of support that I’ve experienced from friends, family, strangers… has been so touching. Every single share, any mention, or just a simple “like,” it truly means so much to me.
Photo: Mine || Cake: Dream Bakery
I have always wanted to start a blog, but I never really knew what that blog should be about. Nowadays, I like to call ATXFYI a website with articles, because it sounds more “grownup” but whatever you call it…
First Year ATX FYI Statistics
Over the year, has seen over 7,800 unique visitors, over 12,000 page views, the majority (69.5%) of my audience is male, and my most popular age range is 25 - 34 years old.
Thanks to my website and brand, I have become a Yelp Elite two years in a row, I joined the Austin Food Blogger Alliance, and my Google Map Photos have reached over 2.1 million views.
In regards to y’all, my incredible following, I have 1276 Instagram followers and 582 Likes on Facebook.
Regarding brands, I have had the privilege of working with Chisos Boots, Event Collective, Cuvee Coffee, Chrissy’s Icies, Pegasus Realty, Dream Bakery and many more. Receiving emails in my inbox asking if I can include restaurants on my lists to get the word out to everyone during Coronavirus, has been the most humbling experience ever.
Most Recent News - Coronavirus
This entire COVID-19 time has really been a whirlwind. If you don’t personally know me, I was laid off from my job as a Communication Engagement Manager after five years, early March. This was before Coronavirus hit and even though I was blessed to be given a severance, I was freaking out. However, God had another path for me… all of a sudden, I was engaging in paid automotive photoshoots and with restaurants having to rely on curbside & delivery, ATX FYI was one of the avenues of updates. At this time, I had seen the MOST engagement and views on my website, I couldn’t believe it. This exposure has helped a ton and I’m more than thankful for the love I’ve received.
I will always be an Austin Advocate.
This is the city of my dreams and there is not a lot I wouldn’t do for this place!
Fast forward to today, I still remain without a job, much like a lot of other people out there. I am hoping to get into marketing since I’ve been running many pages over the years, I’m a website nerd, and I love attending marketing classes to learn more and more. I won’t count myself out, and if you’re struggling with unemployment as well, stay strong… this too shall pass.
In order to celebrate this wonderful milestone, I wanted to get a cake, but not just any cake… a cake from a local bakery! So, Dream Bakery and ATX FYI teamed up for this incredible vanilla and strawberry mousse cake. I mean, let’s be honest… they did all the work… I’m just here to promote it and EAT IT! :)
Thanks again to Karen from Dream Bakery for providing truly a cake of my dreams for my one year!
To Jared…
Most importantly, I am going to say a huge thank you to the love of my life, Jared Hibbs.
Without you telling me to just do it, stop worrying about what could happen, get excited about what could potentially happen… who knows if this thing would have ever come to fruition? I love you and thank you for always supporting me emotionally and mentally.
Additionally, thanks for being that executive editor-in-chief who reads my articles the second they’re posted.
Love you FH.
Okay, okay… enough sappiness. Well, not really… because I want to say THANK YOU if you’re still with me, reading this, and always coming back to read my writings.
Without you, ATX FYI wouldn’t be ATX FYI.
To many more!